Books and Passages of Major Prophecy

So, let’s take a look at a few key books and chapters from the Bible that deal with prophecy. We get crucial details regarding the end of the world from these books and texts. The books of Daniel and Revelation will be examined, as will Matthew 24–25, which contains Jesus’ Olivet Discourse. I’ll use tales and examples to make these simple to understand.

The Daniel Book
Many visions and predictions of future events are contained in the Book of Daniel, a prophetic book in the Old Testament.

Consider the following hypothetical situation: you had a dream that predicts the future. Daniel experienced that.

Important Text: Daniel 7:13–14

“As I lay awake at night, I beheld a figure resembling a son of man ascending into heaven on a cloud,” says the Bible. He made his way to the Ancient of Days, who escorted him into his presence. He was bestowed with dominion, honor, and the ability to rule over all countries and languages. A kingdom under his rule is one that can never be destroyed, and his authority is eternal.

Jesus, the “son of man,” was bestowed all power and authority in a vision that Daniel saw. Because of this, Jesus will reign eternally.

Backstory: A young man named Daniel was brought captive to Babylon. Unwavering in his devotion to God, he remained in a foreign place. The fact that God showed him what was to come demonstrates that He is in charge and has a purpose for His people.

The Revelation Book
The Bible and the New Testament conclude with the Book of Revelation. It contains numerous end-times prophesies and visions that the Apostle John received.

Consider the following scenario: you are reading a letter that contains the future. That is the essence of Revelation.

Revelation 21:1-4 is a crucial passage.

Then I looked, and behold, a “new heaven and earth” (Revelation 21:5), since the old ones had crumbled and the sea had dried up. The new Jerusalem, the Holy City, descended from heaven as a bride exquisitely attired for her husband, as I seen it. “Listen!” a booming voice proclaimed from the throne pierced my ears. The people have become God’s dwelling place, and God will continue to stay with them. They will be his chosen people, and he will be their God. Every tear will be dabbed away by him. The old order of things has gone away, so there will be no more death, sorrow, crying, or suffering.

A new heaven and earth will be revealed to John in his vision, and God will dwell with His people in these new places. No more anguish or distress will be felt.

The elderly John lived out his days in exile on the Greek island of Patmos. During his time there, Jesus showed him future events that would encourage Christians and demonstrate God’s victory over evil.

The Olivet Discourse of Jesus Christ (Matthew 24–25)
As He sat on the Mount of Olives, Jesus spoke to His followers in Matthew 24–25 concerning the coming of the end times. We refer to this as the Olivet Discourse.

Picture this: just before a major performance, your teacher gives you some crucial instructions. While teaching His disciples about the apocalypse, Jesus did this.

The Crucial Text: Matthew 24:36

Scripture: “However, not even the heavenly hosts, the Son, nor anyone else knows the exact time, but that knowledge belongs to the Father.”

The only one who knows the precise hour of the end is God the Father, according to what Jesus told us. This necessitates a state of constant preparedness.

Jesus’ followers sought His advice on the apocalypse. Jesus gave them a list of things to look out for and instructions on how to be ready. Since the exact hour of His return is unknown, He stressed the need of remaining faithful and prepared.

In summary,
Prophecies regarding the end times are found in the Bible in books such as Revelation and Daniel, as well as in Jesus’ teachings. Important things to keep in mind are:

Daniel reveals to us the everlasting kingdom of God and the power of Jesus Christ.
Revelation: Shows the remade universe where God’s dwelling place is among His people.
Jesus tells us in the Olivet Discourse to prepare ourselves for His return.
Scripture Prompt: “Therefore, be vigilant, because the day of your Lord’s arrival is uncertain.” — Matthew 24:42

With an awareness of these prophetic writings, we can put our confidence in God’s plan and get ready for what’s to come. Maintain a personal relationship with God, continue to study the Scriptures, and prepare yourself for His return!

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