Yes, they have holes

“Foxes have holes but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head,” He went about doing good, he healed the sick, raised the dead, fed the hungry and comforted the afflicted. Yet he was homeless and poor, making his home with the wretched of the earth.

That was his life and that is the path every believer is called to follow. It is a call to a life of total self-giving and sacrifice; to live for God and for others without counting the cost. And once we say Yes, there is no backing down or turning back, for only cowards do that! How much sacrifice can we make in the service of the Lord?

For the gift of this new day and this new week we say thank you Lord.

For the gift of our parents, children, brothers, sisters, nephews, cousins and friends we say thank you Lord.

For the gift of our work, study, business and faith in Jesus Christ we say thank you Lord.

Lord, we are about to step out for this day and we do not know what it has in store for us, but we place it in your hands so that you will see us through and grant us your blessings.

May you oh Lord be our Shepherd (Psalm 23) and may your goodness and mercy follow us throughout this week and all the days of our life. In your name we decree and declare that it shall be a favourable week for us. What ever may come our way, we shall be victorious and all glory will be to your name.

Dear friend, do your best, believe in God and he will make your effort to be fruitful.  Amen.

May you shine out brightly as the light so that the darkness of our world will be dispelled. Amen

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