Daily Manna: He can calm that storm.

Key Verse

“And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm” (Mark 4:39).Text — Mark 4:35-41


A storm is a metaphor for everything chaotic, dangerous, causing pains, trauma and troubles. It is a disaster uprooting everything in its path. In our text, there arose a great storm of wind and waves that frightened the occupants of the ship, except Jesus who was deep in sleep. When the disciples woke Him, he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, “Peace, be still” and the wind ceased. The life of man, especially a Christian youth is full of different storms as he or she journey through life. The storms could range from negative peer influence, academic failure, economic and spiritual challenges.

The natural instinct of man is to be afraid or give up whenever he is confronted with a storm. In our text, the occupants of the ship were in this state of confusion and cried to Jesus, “Master, carest thou not that we perish?” The assurance we have is that there is no impossibility with God. That is why as a youth you must surrender your life to Christ. Be rest assured that He can calm the storms in your path if only you have faith in the efficacy of His power.


There is no impossibility with God


Faith in God makes man an overcomer.

Prayer for today

Lord, help me to depend on you in times of trouble.

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