Daily Manna for Children (03/11/2023): Forget Not The Covenant

Sincere Milk
Forget Not The Covenant
Friday, November 3, 2023
Key Verse
“And the covenant that I have made with you ye shall not forget; neither shall ye fear other gods.” 2 Kings 17:38

Text — 2 Kings 17:38-41

A covenant is an agreement between two or more people. The biblical meaning explains God’s promise to the children of Israel and their commitment to worship Him alone. The children of Israel were God’s special people that He had chosen because of His promise to Abraham, their great-grand-father. They were expected to keep to the terms of God’s covenant with them. However, it was not so. They kept on doing things that made God unhappy with them. They were covenant breakers. This led to God’s judgment upon them on many occasions.

Today, Jesus is calling all sinful children to come to Him. He wants to take you as His special friend. As you take the step of faith to repent and accept Christ as your personal Saviour and Lord, you will come into a covenant relationship with Him. The covenant contains precious promises for those who will remain with Jesus till the end. As you come into this covenant relationship with God, be determined to obey His word. Obedience will open the way to God’s treasure house. At the end, He will take you to heaven to enjoy everlasting rewards. You must not forget the covenant.

Further Reading
Proverbs 3:1-6

Prayer for today
Please Lord, help me not to forget Your love for me.

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