Our emotions are really powerful

Our emotions are really powerful.

Our emotions are really powerful. We’ve all got them. These emotions provide spice to our lives. But occasionally these emotions break away from us and become wild horses, untethered and unrestrained.

Unchecked “wild horse” emotions may wreak havoc on our souls, lives, and relationships. They possess the ability to destroy us. However, if we can regulate our “wild horse” emotions, we may propel ourselves to new heights of achievement.

Consider wild stallions, which have had no human contact. They can be fierce and impulsive. When confronted by another horse, they will express their authority by bucking, fighting, and biting to win control. They turn into exceedingly lethal animals. But when a predator enters their zone, these powerful horses become terrified and leave. Nonetheless, even the most feral of these horses can be tamed. It may become calm and composed via diligent training, as well as demonstrate elegant strength and power. The same is true for our emotions.

As followers of Christ, we must learn to control our “wild horse” emotions and bring them into obedience to God. To overcome these feelings, we need to learn to walk in the Spirit. In his letter to the Galatians, the Apostle Paul writes, “I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh.” For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are opposed to one another, so that you do not accomplish what you desire.” 5:16–17, emphasis added.

In this verse, Paul refers to “wild horse” emotions as “the lust of the flesh.” They are the emotions that conflict with what we know we should do.

Consider a time when you were really upset with someone. The type of rage that leaves you red-faced, eye-popping, frothing at the mouth, fist-waving, and foot-stomping mad. Suddenly, your fury takes over, and you lash out without considering the consequences of your actions. This is a “wild horse” feeling.

Each of us has own triggers that drive us to get angry, worried, afraid, or experience other powerful emotions. These feelings can be excellent, even godlike, if they are justified. Proverbs 1:7 states that “fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge.” The fear of the Lord is a wholesome type of fear. However, there is also a spirit of dread that is not from the Lord. We may be concerned about an economic downturn, a strained relationship, or a misbehaving child. Fear of such things can lead to spiritual, emotional, and bodily imbalances. As a result, before we react, we must first determine what is causing these feelings.

This is also why we must walk in the Spirit. What happens when we truly yield to the Holy Spirit? We obtain the fruit of the Spirit, which includes love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. According to the Bible, “Against such [things] there is no law” Galatians 5:23.

Walking in the Spirit requires discipline. Discipline is the capacity to perform tasks with perfection at the appropriate time.

So, how can we deal with our “wild horse” emotions? James, Jesus’ brother, reflected on this when he said, “Indeed, we put bits in horses’ mouths so that they may obey us, and we turn their whole body” (James 3:3). In other words, we compel them to obey us through discipline.

Being disciplined to live a Christian life can spare you a lot of grief and misery in this life. You are the adversary in the struggle for self-control. The struggle for the soul is a civil war. God gives us the freedom to select whom we will serve. Will we worship the altar of “wild horse” emotions that will lead to destruction, or will we walk in the Spirit, choosing life?

God’s Word instructs us to discipline ourselves in our appetites, passions, affections, thoughts, attitudes, moods, speech, behavior, habits, companionships, recreation, purpose, and marriage.

Jesus declared in John 8:31, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.” If you want to be a follower of Jesus, you must follow the Word of God. When you do what is written in the Bible, train yourself to live by its words, and dwell in God’s Word, you are living the life of a disciple. It’s not enough to believe; we also have to act. Jesus answered: “But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do the things which I say?” Luke 6:46. It is not enough to address Jesus as “Lord.” We are His disciples when we follow His instructions. Discipline does not begin until you do what Jesus asks of you. You’re a wild horse doing your own thing, not helping the Kingdom of God.

To abide in the Lord, we must consume the Word of God. Daily usage promotes high spiritual wellness. Do you read the Word every day? Are you developing a healthy connection with God? We need this communication with God to control our “wild horse” emotions.

Paul stated, “I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as if pounding the air. But I regulate my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others, I might be disqualified.” 1 Corinthians 9:26–27, ESV. God has placed a calling on your life because you are His creation. You do not have to go through life aimlessly. He created you in Christ Jesus to accomplish good things that He had planned in advance for you to do. That implies there are certain things out there that will bless the Kingdom of God and bring you contentment, and they bear your name.

Let go of the anguish from your past. Rather, be filled with the fruit of the Spirit as you follow Christ’s call on your life. Forgive those who have harmed you. Don’t let them take control of your ideas and emotions. Rather, submit your emotions to the Holy Spirit and live a life of peace and pleasure.

God wants His children to enjoy the best of everything, even in the darkest of situations. He wants you to be at peace, even when life is stressful and things don’t go your way. God may use circumstances to strengthen your faith and propel you into a position where you can be utilized powerfully for the Kingdom. Trust Him, knowing that He loves you and is working everything out for your benefit.


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