A Life Of Thanksgiving

MEMORISE: Be careful for nothing: but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (Phil 4:6)
READ: 1 Thessalonians 5:14-21

There is no sitting on the fence. Either you are living a life of complaint or a life of thanksgiving. You cannot successfully do both. Jeremiah 29:11 says: ‘For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not evil, to give you an expected end.’

Complaining Christians do not believe this scripture. They do not believe that God is in full control of their lives and circumstances, especially in adversity. They grumble and complain that God could have opened His eyes and stopped Satan’s dirty work. They also fail to understand that God moves in mysterious ways His wonders to perform, as a songwriter says. They ask: if God really loves me, why am I sick? Why can’t I provide the basic needs of my family? If God is truly good, why am I mourning for so long?

The children of Israel lived as ardent complainers, and the aftermath is there for all to see. An incessant complainer is defective in so many ways. He is short-sighted. He easily forgets all the good things God has done, and only remembers the list yet to be attended to. A complainer is one who harbours unbelief, as he cannot trust God’s faithfulness and is also likely to be a negative influence, who would pollute God’s people with evil thoughts. Most likely, his ungratefulness will prevent him from fully serving God.

A life of thanksgiving on the other hand, is the one God expects. Jesus, before raising Lazarus from the grave, first thanked God. After he saw Satan fall as lightning from heaven, he thanked God. He lived a life of thanksgiving. One who lives such a life believes that all things, good or bad, work for his enrichment and good. He believes God is absolutely in control of his life and circumstances. He has faith and hope in God. He will be encouraged to work relentlessly for God. As such he will end well. Which of the groups do you fall into? Start a life of thanksgiving today and you will continue to thank God.

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