Daily Manna (12/11/2023): Present-Day Babylon

Daily Manna
Present-Day Babylon
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Key Verse
“Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying, Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come” (Revelation 18:10).

TEXT — Revelation 12:9-20
Some people will avoid admitting the obvious truth, or speaking their mind, if they have the indication that such an action will trigger mass protest against them, or if they suspect that powerful people would be hurt. On the other hand, such people will readily acknowledge and even echo some outrageous positions that they think are popular with the public, and would advance their personal interests. This is the condition of present-day Babylon.

The book of Revelation speaks about the mystery of Babylon, which signifies the world and its system. It is presented as a city that is full of corruption and immorality. A great harlot that plays host to all the kings and nobles in society, who flock around her in search of pleasure and wealth. All kinds of merchandise are traded, even the souls of men. But suddenly, it falls and with it goes all the lusts and corruption thereof. The people standing afar see its demise and wonder how such a great city could fall so suddenly and irredeemably.

Babylon represents the current world system. The present material world promotes the worship of Satan, the god of this world. It encourages abortion, pornography, gambling, drug and alcohol usage, nightclubs, etc. and the persecution and killing of saints.

Babylon will fall at the second advent of Christ. The Lord will finally destroy this present world with fire and fervent heat. Sadly, those who have made this world their only hope and source of comfort and pleasure will cry when it falls into irrecoverable ruins and destruction.

Thought for the day
The world’s system will collapse soon.
in one year

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