Daily Manna for children (10/09/2023): Let Him Take Charge

Sincere Milk
Let Him Take Charge
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Key Verse
“My son, give me thine heart, and let thine eves observe my ways.” Proverbs 23:26

Text — Proverbs 23: 22- 26

Whenever we board a vehicle as passengers, we totally yield the control of the vehicle to the driver. All passengers sit quietly while the driver takes charge. In fact, if any passenger needs to alight from the vehicle, the driver will have to be informed because the driver is totally in charge. Our Christian journey is like the vehicle going on a journey to a particular destination. You board the vehicle at the point of salvation and you yield the control of the vehicle to Jesus, Who is the Chief Driver. All your activities as long as you are in the vehicle are controlled by the Driver (Jesus).

Solomon the wisest king admonishes us to give our heart to the Lord. The heart is the centre that controls all our thoughts and decisions. When your heart is given to the Lord, then you are sure He will take care of all you do. Just as no passenger struggles with the driver while on board, do not struggle with Jesus being in control of your life. Hand over your life to the Lord in total submission and let Him carry you through your Christian journey. Two persons cannot control the vehicle at the same time. Leave the Driver’s seat for the Saviour today as you surrender your heart to Him.

Further Reading
Revelation 3:20

Prayer for today
Dear Father, I give my heart to you today, come in and take charge.

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