Daily Manna for Children (15/12/2023):The Godly Child

Sincere Milk
The Godly Child
Friday, December 15, 2023
Key Verse
β€œAnd he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.” Psalm 1:3

Text β€” Psalm 1:1-6

There is a big difference between a tree planted by the rivers of water and a tree planted in a desert. The tree planted by the river is fresh, has green leaves, bears fresh and healthy fruits and lives long. On the other hand, the tree planted in the desert is dry, thin, and cannot bear healthy fruits. The difference is like a child living in a palace, where all kinds of nourishing food and drinks are available. On the other hand, another child lives under the bridge; no good food, stays in a dirty environment, no good water, he is exposed to cold and harsh weather. The two children will not look alike. One will be well nourished while the other will look haggard.

Our Bible passage gives us the picture of two kinds of people- the godly child and the ungodly child. The situation of the godly child is described in Psalm 1:1-3 while that of the ungodly child is described in Psalm 1:4-6. Now, write out four (4) characteristic traits of the godly child and the result. Then write out three (3) traits of the ungodly. Which of the two children will you like to be? You need to choose to be like the godly child so you can enjoy all the blessings of the godly. You must be born again to have the power to live a godly life. Are you born again?

Further Reading
Psalm 119:1-3

Prayer for today
Lord, give me the power to live a godly life, so I can be a blessed child.

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