Daily Manna(13/12/2023): Custodians Of The Word

Daily Manna
Custodians Of The Word
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
Key Verse
“But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it” (Luke 11:28).

TEXT — Luke 11:14-28
Astute students of the Bible often speak of the persuasive style of its narratives. Both in the Old and New Testaments, it is discovered that despite the old English employed, modern writers still learn a lot from the power of pedagogy employed in the presentation of the chronicles. In particular, the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ possess compelling elements that not only command attention, but also easily bring conviction.

Indeed, according to the Lord Himself, the aim of the message from heaven is that man should “hear the word of God, and keep it”. Having dismissed the blasphemous thinking that He drew His powers to cast out evil spirits and heal from Satan, the Lord taught about the need for the redeemed to strive to preserve his salvation. An excited woman moved by the teaching heaped blessings upon the womb that bore Christ and the breasts that nursed Him.

However, Jesus corrected her. He took her mind to where credit was due. He said, “Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it”. The almighty God sends His messages to man so we would not only be hearers, but also be its custodians in our lifestyle. It is the only way to please God and receive His blessings. In so doing, we free ourselves from spiritual ignorance which the unbelieving Jews of Christ’s day displayed. It led them to question the divine source of His teachings.

Today’s teachers and preachers of God’s word must take a cue from the Lord’s flawless style. We must fully prepare for the field of souls through seeking heaven’s help in purposeful prayer and rigorous study of the Bible. These would aid us to silence blasphemous questions and rectify erroneous interpretations of the Scriptures. The final result would be conviction, repentance and salvation of sinners.

Thought for the day
We must preach the word of God and live out the life to convict the unbelieving.
in one year
MICAH 1 – 4

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