Higher Everyday (22/11/2023): Losing All To Gain Christ

Higher Everyday
Losing All To Gain Christ
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
Key Verse
“But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ” (Philippians 3:7).

Text — Philippians 3:2-8
“You can think it costs a lot to be a Christian but it costs incredibly much more not to be a Christian! And neither you nor I will want to pay that price,” someone declared. Youths of this generation are busy seeking money, materials, fame, success, and power by all means and at all cost. While it is not sinful to be ambitious, whatever heights anyone attains in life without having Christ will amount to nothing at the end of the age. Any privilege, opportunity, and scholarship offered at the expense of our salvation must be rejected. All sins and ungodly associations must be renounced.

Whatever you give up to gain Christ will pay off at the end. David Livingstone and Mary Slessor gave up their home land and comfort of family life in Europe to serve Christ in Africa. We must be willing to part with everything that will hinder us from total surrender to Christ. Nothing must be too precious to give up in order to gain Christ, no matter how precious it may be.

Be willing to part with everything

Earthly loss is eternal gain.

Prayer for today
My God, keep me from exchanging Christ with anything.

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