TEXT: MARK 10:45

‘For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.’

Jesus frequently spoke to His disciples about His impending death, but it was only on this occasion that He explicitly explained its purpose. He revealed that His death would serve as a ‘ransom’, a term from the Greek language meaning to release by paying a price.

In the scriptures, the terms ‘ransom’ and ‘redeem’ are often used interchangeably.

Furthermore, Jesus wouldn’t just pay the price for sin; His sacrifice would be substitutionary. The term ‘ransom’ in 1 Timothy 2:6 comes from the Greek word ‘antilutron’, translating to ‘a redemption-price’. The prefix ‘anti’ in Greek means ‘in place of’. Hence, this ransom is available to all who choose to embrace it (Jn. 3:16; Rom. 10:13).

The cost of our redemption is profound – it’s the life, or more specifically, the blood of Jesus (Col. 1:14). As mentioned in Hebrews 9:12, this act of redemption is everlasting and aims to cleanse us from all wrongdoings (Ti. 2:14) and to lead us to serve the living God (Heb. 9:14).

This concept can be likened to how we use trading stamps. Initially, these stamps are bought, and later they’re redeemed for a desired item. While purchasing is crucial, redeeming is equally significant. People don’t inherently desire the stamps; they’re interested in what the stamps can be exchanged for. Jesus’ blood has already secured our salvation, but the full redemption of our bodies hasn’t occurred. Meaning, the complete benefits of this divine transaction haven’t manifested in our physical forms. This realization will come during Jesus’ second coming when we’ll be endowed with our new, sanctified bodies.

Currently, it’s only our spirits that have undergone full redemption.

Let’s express gratitude for the divine redemption we’ve been graced with today.

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