Pastor Adeboye Reveals The Greatest Secret Of Success.

Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG, shared a message with the public in a recent YouTube clip.

While speaking on “FOR WHOM THE HEAVENS OPEN (Part 25)” || RCCG Online Sunday Service || 27th August, 2023 || Part A, the cleric reportedly stated that “We are still using Joshua as our case study. We bless the Lord that he has been giving us revelation after revelation on the life of this great man of God. Our text will remain Joshua 6:3-5. Our focus is going to be on verse 4 today. There is something in verse 4 that we cannot ignore: “before the Ark.” The Ark of the Covenant of the Lord is to go with them as they go round the City. The greatest secret of success is the divine presence. If God is present with you, you just keep on succeeding. It’s not possible for you to fail.

Speaking further, he said, “The success of Joseph was because God was with him. God gave Moses an assurance, “I will be with you.” God told Joshua, “As I was with Moses, I will be with you.” In Mark 16:15–20, miracles, signs, and Wonders began to happen because God was with them. The greatest secret of success is Divine Presence. That’s why I pray that every one of you listening to me today, “God be with you in Jesus’s name.

Speaking further, he said, “The Ark of the Covenant is the symbol of Divine Presence. Where the Ark goes, God goes. The Ark of the Covenant, representing the presence of God, is so powerful that no demon can withstand it. You can’t fight God and won’t. If he knocks you down, it is to warn you; if you get up again and say you want to continue the fight, you will lose your head.

Speaking further, he said, ” Do you know Why I have to bring the issue of the Ark of the Covenant before you today? Am I asking you to go and search for where the old Ark of the Covenant is so you can bring it to your house? No! The truth of the matter is that you can become an Ark of Covenant for God.

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