The General Superintendent of Deeper Christian Life Ministry Pastor W.F Kumuyi on a live-streamed video shared a message with the public.
While speaking on MIRACLES OF MERCY BY THE MESSIAH Point 2, in a Thursday Global Crusade, the cleric reportedly stated that “Jesus Christ is called Messiah. The woman at the well said that the Messiah would come. She thought it would be a future occurrence, and that time, He would be able to answer all her questions and solve all her problems. But the Messiah was there already and He was ready to manifest His power in her life. Christ the Messiah introduced Himself to the woman and the miracle of salvation came to her even though she didn’t merit it. She lived a life of doom and hopelessness, but the miracle of mercy which is reflected in salvation came to her.

Speaking further he said “Miracles Do Not Come By Anyone Giving Money. Nothing You Pay Is Enough To Buy It. It Is Free and comes to you from the Saviour. Blind Bartimeaus sat beside the road, begging. Many people today who have eyes don’t have insight and perception. They can see the present, but not the future. When Bartimeaus heard about Jesus, he said, Jesus, the Son of David, have mercy on me! He prayed well and right. He did not pray like the self-righteous publican.
Speaking further he said “People told the blind man to keep quiet. Some people think they should control whether you have mercy and forgiveness or not. But no one can achieve this as long as you focus on Christ. Bartimeaus did not allow anyone to control him, rather, he prayed and cried more and the Lord heard him. Jesus called him to come to Him and the same people around who condemned him earlier told him to come to Christ who was calling Him. He rose, cast away the garment of the blind he was wearing and went after the Lord. Some people make themselves happy with alcohol, but Jesus can make you more happy than when you drink alcohol. When some people are in despair, they smoke cigarettes, Marijuana, and take hard drugs. But Tonight, as you come to Him, He will give to you more joy and happiness than alcohol can give you.
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