5 Costly Mistakes People Make In Destiny – Joshua Iginla Reveals

Prophet Joshua Iginla, the founder and senior pastor of the Champions Royal Assembly shared a message to the public on five costly mistakes people make in destiny via a recent post on Facebook. They are:

  1. Wrong Association-

According to him, It is okay to love everybody, but it is an error to associate with everybody, because not everybody is going your direction in destiny. Your association determines your acceleration and assimilation. Your company determines what accompanies you in destiny.

  1. Mis-Marriage-

According to him, Marriage will determine what will make you or mar you in destiny. Before you marry, consider your destiny. When you marry the wrong person, you will suffer for life and your destiny will be truncated. In the equation of marriage, it is not who marries first, it is who marries right. If you mis-marry, you will miss destiny.

  1. Consulting Occultic Circles-

The mentality of looking for diabolic ways to be successful is a disaster to destiny. Some people run to witch doctors for evil powers to get rich, but they end up destroying their destiny completely. We live in a lazy generation that don’t believe in the dignity of labor to manifest destiny.

  1. Solidifying Bad Character-

He said that when you magnify and encourage bad character, your destiny is in a threat zone. Character can either open or close the chapters of destiny. When you solidify, bad character it is a costly mistake that ruins your destiny possibility. Good character is the spice of destiny.

  1. Habouring The Spirit Of Unforgiveness- Forgiveness is not a display of foolishness or fear, when you forgive people it is a sign that you are wiser. Forgiving people who offend you is a secret to long life to help you fulfill your destiny. When unforgiveness dampens your life, bitterness will rule your life.

Finally, he prayed, “Speaking by the dynamic voice of God as a prophet over your life, I prophesy you shall not fall victim of the costly mistakes that destroy great destinies. In Jesus mighty name.”

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