Husbands are finding It difficult to appreciate their wife -Dr. Enenche

Dr. Pastor Paul Enenche, the founder and senior pastor of Dunamis International Gospel Center spoke to his members on “The Character Of Thanksgiving/Gratitude” at the August Testimonies and Thanksgiving Service – First Service.

According to him, the character of thanksgiving/gratitude is a good thing, it is fitting, it is appropriate and in order to give thanks to the Lord. Our objective is just to understand the essence of Thanksgiving or what thanksgiving implies and then to understand the impact of Thanksgiving.

He then said, “Like we all know, being able to say, “thank you” both to God and to man is a rapidly disappearing virtue from the earth today. Children are finding it difficult to say thank you to parents; parents are finding very extremely difficult to say thank you to parents when necessary because they think, “it’s my child, they should do this.”

“Husbands are finding it difficult to say thank you to wife when the wife has done what is right; wives are finding it difficult to say thank you to husbands because they have a mentality of ‘it is my right’; people are finding it difficult to say thank you to anybody.”

Further he said, “Like I see all the time, you slow down your vehicle for someone to pass, the least they can do is just to wave or something.That’s disappearing and it’s in line with the symptoms of the endtime. So unthankfulness or thanklessness is an endtime symptom.”

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