Beware of Marriage Destroyers – Faith Oyedepo

Dear Reader,

I welcome you to this week’s teaching. In the previous editions, I have taught on wrong companion, slothfulness, anger, bitterness and covetousness, as some of those things that destroy marriage and families. 

Impatience is the inability to deal calmly with a situation or wait for something. It can also be a state of being in an unusual haste. In this article, we will discuss how impatience can destroy marriage and families.

One example of how impatience can destroy a marriage is when one spouse is constantly pressuring the other to change. This can lead to resentment and anger, and eventually, the relationship can fall apart. Another way that impatience can destroy a marriage is when one spouse is constantly complaining about the other. This can make the other spouse feel like they are never good enough, and it can lead to a lack of trust and communication.

Impatience can also destroy families. When parents are impatient with their children, it can lead to behavioral problems and a lack of respect. It can also make it difficult for children to learn and grow.

There are a few things that couples can do to overcome impatience in their marriage. First, they need to communicate openly and honestly with each other. They need to be able to express their feelings without judgment. Second, they need to learn to compromise. This means being willing to give up something in order to make the other person happy. Third, they need to be patient with each other. This means understanding that everyone makes mistakes, and that it takes time to change.

If you are struggling with impatience in your marriage or family, there are resources available to help you. There are books, articles, and websites that can provide you with tips and advice. You can also talk to a therapist or counselor who can help you work through your issues.

Remember, impatience is a choice. You can choose to be patient, even when it is difficult. By making this choice, you can strengthen your relationships and build a more loving and fulfilling life

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