Daily Manna (11/12/2023): Deadly Desertions

Daily Manna
Deadly Desertions
Monday, December 11, 2023
Key Verse
“And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen” (2 Timothy 4:18).

TEXT — 2 Timothy 4:9-22
Those who start a race on a high note do not get the laurels if they fail to end on a correspondingly high note. They would not be remembered for a flying beginning not sustained to the final lap of the competition. The record book would only mark them for a dismal finish while it awards prizes to those who begin well and conclude without dropping their zeal.

We have the picture of these two contrasting classes of runners in our passage. It tells us of Demas who started virtuously, but “hath forsaken (the way of Christ), having loved this present world”. He exemplifies a deadly desertion from the path leading to heaven. On the other hand, we are told of Paul who stuck to Christ till the end, and had the assurance that the Lord “will preserve [him] to his heavenly kingdom”.

In the race to heaven, after the Calvary encounter, the believer must pray for the grace of God to live a holy and unspotted life for consecrated and sacrificial service to his Master. We need the sanctification experience to wholeheartedly love and continue with the Lord without compromising with the world. We are also guided by the comfort of the Holy Spirit as challenges arise.

The pearly gates do not admit those who needlessly fear for their lives and desert the Lord in the midst of storms. They are also not for those who, in anticipation of challenges, refrain from preaching the gospel of Christ. Entrance into the Kingdom is for saints prepared to go all the way: starting strong with the Lord and finishing strong with Him.

Thought for the day
Stay with the Lord from the beginning to the end.
in one year
1 JOHN 1 – 5

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