Daily Manna (15/09/2023): Misdirected Spiritual Ambition

Daily Manna
Misdirected Spiritual Ambition
Friday, September 15, 2023
Key Verse
“But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God” (Acts 8:20,21).

TEXT — Acts 8:9-25
These are the days when many professing Christians are desirous of spiritual gifts but their desire is not the advancement of the gospel of Christ. Rather, they are seeking the gifts purely for personal aggrandisement. Such motives are evil, unscriptural and damning.

This was the case of Simon the sorcerer in today’s text. Philip had preached the gospel of Christ in the city of Samaria. Consequently, many of the inhabitants of the city surrendered their lives to the Saviour. Simon, who had used sorcery to bewitch the people of the city, believed too when he witnessed how the Lord used Philip to perform great miracles and wonders among the people. He became more amazed when Peter and John visited the city and prayed for the believers to receive the Holy Ghost. He too desired the gift of God. Rather than believe and seek God for the baptism, Simon offered the apostles money to procure the experience. However, Peter rebuked him sharply for seeking to purchase the gift of God with money.

Simon coveted the Holy Ghost in a carnal and unscriptural manner. He reduced the gift to a mere commodity purchasable with cash. His request depicts an extreme case of covetousness, which is sinful before the Lord. The Holy Ghost baptism is a promise of God to all His children.

There are requirements for the fulfilment of the promise in the life of a believer who desire it. He must first seek God to remove inbred sins like subtle pride, self-centredness, envy, vainglory, position seeking, etc. He can then thirst and pray for the baptism of the Spirit with the right motives of advancing God’s kingdom. We certainly need the power of the Holy Spirit today to enable us effectively do God’s work. If you can pray earnestly and trust Him today, God will baptise you with His Spirit.

Thought for the day
Consecration is the acceptable currency of spiritual ambition.
in one year
PSALM 139 – 150

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