Daily Manna (20/10/2023): The Miracle Of Obedience

Daily Manna
The Miracle Of Obedience
Friday, October 20, 2023
Key Verse
“And they laid it up till the morning, as Moses bade: and it did not stink, neither was there any worm therein” (Exodus 16:24).

TEXT — Exodus 16:22-31
The story was once told of a man whose faithful dog burned to death in a great fire that had swept through the forest where he worked. The man said the little dog had been left under a tree to guard his master’s dinner pail and would not leave it even when the flames roared around him. He was brokenhearted when he found the charred remains of his little friend. With tears streaming down his face, he said, “I always had to be careful what I told him to do, because I knew he would do it”. This, and more, is the kind of obedience to which Christ has called us.

The mixed multitude that journeyed with the Israelites out of Egypt became an albatross on their journey through the wilderness. They complained and murmured occasionally. They blamed Moses whenever they had any little need along the way. They also influenced the congregation sometimes to riot and protest. When they complained of hunger in the wilderness, the Lord gave them manna from heaven. The instruction from God was that none of this manna should be kept overnight and nobody should go to the field to look for it on Sabbath days. However, some people disobeyed and kept it overnight and it bred worms. Some others went out on the Sabbath day in search of manna and found none. God was not happy about Israel’s disobedience.

Disobedience only strains the relationship we have with God. It displeases Him when people are not ready to obey even the most basic instructions. God blesses obedient and faithful people.

The Christian journey can be likened to the one Israel undertook through the wilderness. To make it to the Promised Land, there must be a commitment to obey God and keep His commandments.

Thought for the day
Obedience brings blessings.
in one year
ISAIAH 61 – 66

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