Daily Manna (24/11/2023): Grace Redeems From The Law

Daily Manna
Grace Redeems From The Law
Friday, November 24, 2023
Key Verse
“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree” (Galatians 3:13).

TEXT — Galatians 3:13-24
“Some years ago”, states Dwight L. Moody, “when I was speaking, a friend sent me the following: ‘By the grace of God, I am what I am!’ This is the believers’ eternal confession. Grace found him as a rebel; it leaves him a son. Grace devised the scheme of redemption: justice never would; reason never could. And it is grace which carries out that scheme. No sinner would ever have sought his God but ‘by grace’”.

In our text, Jesus Christ was offered for the remission of the sin of mankind. He was hung on the cross and took on Himself the curse of the law. This was extremely necessary, for all men are sinners by nature and practice and have been condemned by the law of God for eternal doom. The sacrifice of Christ made for the redemption of man restored God’s favour to humanity. By grace, as a free gift from God, was man redeemed.

The redemption of man from sin through the grace of God requires responsibility of living a righteous life if the redemption is not to be received in vain. This redemption of Christ does not expire on Sunday night that one cannot use it on weekdays. It keeps the believer powerful and strong; it is an ongoing privilege. The redemption is for freedom from sins, believer’s holiness, health, healing, provision, indeed everything spiritual and physical. It was obtained through grace for the believer to be released from the curse of the law – condemnation, damnation, oppression, affliction and sickness – so that he may have full and final reconciliation with God.

The unrepentant sinner is like a wandering star reserved for the judgment of God. To respond to the grace and love of Jesus Christ, the sinner must hand over his life to Him. It is only in Christ that we can possess justification, redemption, reconciliation and righteousness. Jesus will soon come and then, His grace shut down.

Thought for the day
Grace saves while law condemns.
in one year
EZEKIEL 45 – 46

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