Dr Dk Olukoya Reveals 15 Ways On How To Overcome Low Self Esteem

Dr Dk Olukoya, the founder and presiding General Overseer of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, revealed in a video posted on his official Facebook page 15 ways to overcome low self-esteem.

According to the cleric, he has revealed in his words how to overcome low self-esteem, thus; “How do we overcome low self-esteem, How do we overcome this serious problem?” Below are the fifteen ways to overcome low self-esteem as shared by the cleric.

1. You must get a revelation of your relationship with God.

2. As a believer, refuse to entertain the thought of rejection and inadequacy that the devil feeds you. Once the enemy begins to feed those thoughts into your mind, you must refuse to entertain those thoughts of rejection and inadequacy—you must refuse them.

3. Confess against, and cancel every negative thought with the truth in God’s words every time it comes to you.

4. Watch for behaviors that come from feeling insecure and shit them down immediately.

5. Pursue humility; according to the scriptures in Proverbs 27:2, says, let another man praise thee, but not with thy mouth; a stranger, and not thy lips.

6. Let God dig around in your heart.

7. Don’t freely criticize yourself.

8. Avoid worrying about the past or future, trust God.

9. Do positive things; do not even feel like doing negative things.

10. Eliminate or try to avoid those situations which contribute to your low self-esteem.

11. Spend quality time counting your blessings.

12. Make a list of all your positive choices and stay happy. Remember, happiness is a choice.

13. Don’t be impatient or too hard on yourself.

14. Dwell on biblical truths about your worth.

15. Apart from God, don’t let anyone take charge of your life

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