Believe that God will open the correct door for you

Open doors by God

The Church in Philadelphia had a loyal congregation. It was faithful because the elder was reliable. The Lord told them, “I have opened before you a door that no one can shut” (Revelation 3:8).

When the Lord opens a door for us, it cannot be closed. I have the keys. If I open it, no one can close it (Revelation 3:7). We don’t need to keep hammering on any doors. Our Lord can open the appropriate doors for us without our intervention. These resemble the doors we see in airports. They open automatically when we approach them.

Are you seeking a ministry door for yourself? Are you seeking for a way to open the door yourself, or do you want someone in power to do it for you? Are you coveting someone else’s ministry? That’s evil.

Be faithful to God even in small things. Then He will open the appropriate doors of ministry for you at the proper moment. Then don’t spend your time or life passing through several false doors. Believe in God, and he will open doors for you. Then He will take you to the locations He has prepared for you, one after the other.

When I was traveling to a nation, the Lord told me not to write letters to persons I knew there. “Just go.” I went someplace, didn’t minister anyplace, and returned. The Lord tried me to see if I would obey him or not. The following time I visited that nation, numerous doors were opened for folks I didn’t know.

Those are the areas God has ordered me to travel. When I returned to that nation, I realized that God, in His omnipotence, would open the correct door. If I had tried to open doors for myself earlier to get the ministry done for me, I would have utterly missed God’s plan. So don’t push yourself anyplace.

Seek God and faith that He will open the correct doors for you. Like people in Philadelphia, you may have minimal power. But if you obey God’s word and profess His name, the Lord will reveal to your adversaries that He loves you (Revelation 3:8,9).

Then the Lord told this church, “I am coming quickly; hold fast to what you have, so that no one steals your crown” (Revelation 3:11). When the Lord gives us a ministry, we must be loyal to fulfill it. If not, he will transfer the ministry to someone else. Then that individual will receive the crown you desire. He will obtain his crown, as well as yours.

So, be faithful. Those who overcome will become pillars in the Lord’s church (Revelation 3:12). Pillars support a building. When Samson threw down the two pillars, the entire building fell. Sometimes only two elders bear the weight of a church. When they die, the Church also dies. God desires many pillars in His churches.

In your hidden life and thoughts, you may be a pillar of strength in the battle against sin.

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