Daily Manna (16/11/2023): God Hears Everything

Daily Manna
God Hears Everything
Thursday, November 16, 2023
Key Verse
“Say unto them, As truly as I live, saith the LORD, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you” (Numbers 14:28).

Text: Numbers 14:26-31
The Scriptures clearly assure that whatever we utter with our mouth, God hears and responds to accordingly. For, “as truly as I live, saith the Lord, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so I will do to you”.

Unfortunately, Israel in the wilderness, to whom this verse was addressed, said negative things in God’s ears. They spoke words of unbelief and hopelessness. God said He would do unto them exactly as they had spoken. This tells us that whatever we say gets God’s attention and He answers us according to our utterances. Knowing this should challenge us to constantly employ our tongues to attract the blessings of God into our lives, especially through prayer.

There are many promises in God’s word concerning our joy, peace, prosperity and eternal bliss, which we want to possess. There are also closed doors we want opened, mountains we want removed and lofty heights we want to attain. All these and many more are possible when we speak them in God’s ears through prayer. He commanded us to pray with the promise that He will answer. “Call unto me”, He says, “and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not” (Jeremiah 33:3).

The problem with many Christians today is not that of unanswered prayers but that of unoffered prayers. Many, instead of taking their problems to God in prayer, murmur and complain all the time, especially to fellow men who can offer no solution. We must learn to pour out our hearts to God whose ears are closest to our lips. He hears every prayer and understands all our toils. He has never failed those who through the ages have called upon Him. Whatever it is that troubles you, call on Him today. He will not fail you.

Thought for the day
Speak into God’s ears instead of man’s and get your needs met.
in one year
EZEKIEL 18 – 21

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