Daily Manna For Children(04/09/2023): The Uplifted Hands

The Uplifted Hands
Monday, September 4, 2023
Key Verse
“And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed: and when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed” Exodus 17:11

Text — Exodus 17: 8- 13

Life is full of battles, both physically and spiritually. However, the spiritual aspect of life’s battle is greater than the physical. No one can conquer in life without the help of God. As the children of Israel engaged in battle with the Amalekites, Joshua led the physical fight, while Moses faced the spiritual side of the battle by raising up his hands to heaven. Raising up hands to heaven means looking up unto God for help. Aaron and Hur discovered that the hands of Moses had to be constantly up to get the victory, so they had to support Moses to keep his hands up to heaven. By doing this, Israel secured great victory over the Amalekites.

As Christians, we are fighting a spiritual battle against Satan, sin and the flesh. Jesus Christ is the Captain of our salvation and we must lift up our hands everyday of our lives unto heaven for help. Believers are to regularly pray to God for His mercy upon the sinful world and for elimination of all the works of Satan. We will conquer in Jesus’ name. This, you can do through regular praying, studying and meditating on God’s word. You must also live a holy life and constantly expect the coming of the Lord.

Further Reading
2 Corinthians 10:3-6

Prayer for today
O God, please help me to constantly lift Jesus up in all situations of my life.

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