The Challenges of the Mission

The Challenges of the Mission

Readings: Hosea 14:2-10, Psalm 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17; Matthew 10:16-23.

“Behold, I send you out as sheep amid wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matthew 10:16.

The phrase’sheep amid wolves’ can be construed in a variety of ways. It might imply that the disciples were to minister to extremely unfriendly individuals. (Those who deny the Gospel and persecute the disciples). It might also indicate that there are wolves among the disciples. (Those who claim to love the disciples yet intend to tear them down). Whatever the circumstances, Jesus wanted the disciples to be aware that there might be difficulties ahead. He also explained how to solve the problem.

  • Accept that if you want to be a serious Christian, you will face many challenges (and opponents). If you want an easy life, then following Jesus is not for you (see Luke 9:23-24). According to Sirach, “My child, when you are prepared to serve the Lord, prepare yourself for an ordeal” (Sirach 2:1). Preaching the Gospel (proclaiming Christ to the world) is like being a sheep among wolves; it requires following the narrow and arduous way (cf. Matthew 7:13-14). This is why Jesus told the disciples who chose to follow Him: foxes have burrows, birds have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head. (see Luke 9:58).
  • Christianity is far from perfect. From the start to the end of his ministry, Jesus experienced hardships. Herod attempted to assassinate Jesus before he had even celebrated his first birthday on Earth. Anyone who claims that being a Christian allows you to avoid obstacles and problems is lying. Furthermore, releasing souls from the devil’s clutches is like fighting a war. Jesus warned: “No one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods unless he first binds the strong man; then indeed he may plunder his house.” (Mark 3:27). Satan is a powerful guy, and he will not let you rob his house without a battle.
  • To survive as sheep amid wolves, Jesus says we must be cunning as serpents and innocent as doves. What qualities distinguish the snake as a smart creature? What can we learn from it? First, rejuvenation and rebirth – snakes often shed their skins. Repent every day. Get rid of old habits and vices. Today’s psalm begins, “Create a pure heart for me, Oh God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.” Second, stillness and attention – snakes are smart; they don’t utilize raw force like other noisy creatures, yet they nonetheless accomplish their goals. Be humble, attentive, and strategic. You don’t need to be loud. Third, adaptability – snakes can flourish in a variety of habitats and are adept at concealing and fleeing. Thrive wherever you are and avoid unnecessary confrontation. Adapt to your surroundings and be aware to any hazards.
  • The snake’s insight must be weighed against the dove’s innocence. Doves are noted for their delicate temperament and non-aggressive behavior. Second, doves are harmless. Stop wishing evil on others or praying for the death of your adversaries. Third, doves are known for being clean and pure, and they are a sign of peace. Cleanse your heart of wicked ideas and immoral fancies. His words were: “Blessed are the pure in heart; they shall see God.” Matthew 5:8. Fourth, doves are neither crafty or devious, but rather direct and plain. Be a person of integrity. Avoid lying and misleading people. Fifth, doves are trustworthy. Place your whole confidence in God.
  • To summarize, Jesus desires that we be both intelligent and pure in heart. To demonstrate intelligence, Jesus told the story of the unjust steward who decreased the debts of his master’s creditors so that he would have friends to greet him when he was fired. (See Luke 16:1–13). However, unlike the unjust steward with ulterior motivations, Jesus expects us to be creative and blameless. Above all, let us heed Hosea’s exhortation from today’s first reading. Return to God and let rid of your idols.

Let us pray: Almighty, ever-living God, grant us the grace of loyalty to the truth and the courage to face trials and devilish attacks. We pray this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the union of the Holy Spirit, God for all eternity. Amen.

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